Our Services
It is your right and our desire, that you have a complete understanding of the costs of the services we provide.
We know that some expense is necessary to provide the quality service, for which we are known, and do everything in our ability to keep the cost of services to a minimum with pride in the personal care, commitment and direction we provide to our families. When you call Fergerson's - we want you to reach a Fergerson.
The biggest factor is the time element. Just as a police or fire department, we must be available 24/7/365. Unlike a police or fire department, ours is a 168-hour work week. National studies have shown that a single funeral requires 92 staff-hours to properly conduct.
No two funerals are exactly alike. Traditions, customs, personal feeling, financial ability and a multitude of other influences affect each funeral. Our services must and do conform to each individual family's wishes and their personal and religious needs.
Professional services provided by Fergerson Funeral Home, Inc. include:
Secure vital statistics, obtain obituary information, arrange service time and place, complete itemized funeral cost, agreement, assist in selecting clergy, cemetery, casket, burial vault and charitable foundation of choice,
Coordinate clergy, cemetery, burial vault placement, casket delivery, limousine services, civic and fraternal group.
Contact medical person for death record signature, obtain certified death record copies and burial permit.
Provide obituary to newspapers and funeral service information to the clergy, notify Social Security and process Veteran's claim forms, receive, arrange and record floral pieces, preparing auto procession list with the family.
Professional preparation, when requested or required by law, includes embalming, washing, disinfection, dressing, cosmetising, hairdressing and casketing.
Supervise all aspects of the calling hours, fraternal, military, funeral and committal services.